We will be running a live-stream of the Summit on Saturday for talks and panels.

There is a crisis in local news in New Mexico and throughout the country, with more "news deserts" and towns with ghost newspapers with no employees living in the community. But there are also bright spots, with a growing number of nonprofit news outlets, more collaboration among newsrooms and growing philanthropic and government support. The first New Mexico Local News Summit will bring together news publishers, journalists, funders, policy-makers, educators, and more interested parties to discuss ways we can strengthen the news ecosystem and support democracy. Come prepared to listen, think, contribute, interact and connect with other attendees as we consider ways to support local news outlets throughout the state.
Friday September 29, 5 pm to 8 pm: Welcome Reception with drinks and appetizers. M'tucci's Bar Roma, 3222 Central Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM 87105.
Saturday September 30, 8:30 am to 5 pm: Full-day Summit with talks, panels and breakout sessions. Location is the Rotunda at the Science & Technology Park at the University of New Mexico, 801 University Blvd. SE, 1st Floor, Albuquerque, NM, 87106. Continental breakfast and lunch buffet are included.
Agenda for Saturday
8:30 am: Breakfast
9:00 am - 9:15: Rashad Mahmood & Mark Glaser, New Mexico Local News Fund: Setting the Stage
9:15 am - 9:45 am: Keynote Conversation, with Duc Luu, Knight Foundation, and Gywneth Doland, UNM
9:45 am - 10:30 am: How Philanthropy Can Help Support Local News
Moderator: Trip Jennings, NM in Depth
Panelists: Amy Kovac-Ashley, Lenfest Institute; Tomasita Martínez Moriarty, W.K. Kellogg Foundation; Allan Oliver, Thornburg Foundation
10:30 am - 10:45 am: Break
10:45 am - 11:30 am: The Role of Public Policy in Supporting Local News
Moderator: Lilly Irvin-Vitela, Community Connects Consulting
Panelists: Rep. Joy Garratt (D-Albuquerque); Dede Feldman, former State Senator, author and journalist; Anna Brugman, Rebuild Local News; Jeanette DeDios, KUNM
11:30 am - 12:30 pm: Breakout Sessions: Identifying Challenges
Philanthropy: What are some challenges in getting more philanthropic support for local news?
Policy: How can we build more support for local news at the local, state and national level?
Future of Newspapers: What are some of the toughest challenges facing community newspapers?
Sustainability: In what ways are local newsrooms struggling with revenue streams?
Reaching Underserved Audiences: What are the historical issues among legacy newsrooms in reaching communities of color?
Academic Brainstorm: How can we create deeper partnerships between universities and local newsrooms?
Future of Public Media: How can public media outlets become stronger sources for local news in their communities?
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm: Lunch Break
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm: What’s the Future for the Newspaper Business?
Moderator: Algernon D’Ammassa, Deming Headlight
Panelists: Ryan Cangiolosi, El Rito News; Pat Davis, Ctrl-P Publishing; Fraser Nelson, National Trust for Local News
2:15 pm - 3:15 pm: How to Meet the Information Needs of Underserved Communities
Moderator: Henry Lopez, Santa Fe New Mexican
Panelists: Shirley Sneve, Indian Country Today; Hal David Roberts, UpLift Chronicles; Roberta Rael, Generation Justice
3:15 pm - 3:30 pm: Break
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm: Breakout Sessions: Finding Solutions
Philanthropy: How can we bring more philanthropy to local news, from foundations, major donors, individuals?
Policy: How can we build more support for local news at the local, state and national level?
Sustainability: How can we help local newsrooms become sustainable businesses?
Future of Newspapers: What are some solutions to newspapers’ business problems, and how can they better serve communities?
Reaching Underserved Audiences: How can we better serve Spanish-speaking, Native, Black, LGBTQ+ and other audiences?
Academic Brainstorm: How can we improve collaborations between student reporters and local newsrooms?
Future of Public Media: How can public media outlets improve their local news coverage and become trusted local news sources?
4:30 - 5:00 pm: Wrap-up Discussion, Takeaways from Breakouts; Next Steps
Facilitator: Sarah Gustavus Lim, Solutions Journalism Network
To see our speakers for the Summit, please check out this Speakers Page.
Tickets cost $49 for general registration and $25 for students.
We are SOLD OUT of tickets for the Summit, but we will update this page with a live-streaming option to watch from home.
Hotel rooms are available in a special group rate at Hotel Parq Central located at 806 Central Avenue SE Albuquerque, NM 87102, which is a 6 minute drive to the Summit location. Rooms are $155 per night plus tax for single rooms, and $160 per night plus tax for double rooms. The rate is available Friday Sept. 29 and Saturday Sept. 30 nights. You must call the hotel to reserve at (505) 242-0040 and mention "Local News Summit" to get the rate.
Travel Scholarships were available for a limited number of attendees to help cover hotel and gas costs. The application for Travel Scholarships has closed.
Parking for the Summit is available at any parking lot at the Science & Technology Park @ UNM, including 901 University. Here are some helpful campus maps.
Public transit is possible. From the Downtown Albuquerque Rail Runner Station, you can take the free 97 bus to the stop at Wyoming & Zuni and walk 7 minutes south. For more information, go to ABQ RIDE or call (505) 243-7433.
We want to thank our supporters who have made the Summit possible. If you are interested in sponsoring the Summit, please learn more on our Sponsorships Page or contact Mark Glaser at